Get Instant Cash Offers For Your Land. Call (951) 374-0106 to sell your land Today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions we get from sellers like you. If you have a question that is not answered below, please call us at (951) 374-0106 and we will do our best to answer any questions you may have.

Are you a realtor who will be listing my land or are you actually buying it?

Great question. We aren’t going to list your land, we’re actually the ones who will buy it. We are professional land buyers: We buy land that meets our purchasing criteria.

Are you a wholesaler?

We want to buy your land. A wholesaler typically works as a middleman. They get your property under contract and then turn around and sell it ASAP to another investor while collecting their fee in the process. We don’t do that, we want to buy your land directly.

Do you pay fair prices for properties?

Yes, we strive to offer fair prices for properties, balancing the convenience of a quick sale with market considerations. Our goal is to provide landowners with a swift and straightforward selling experience, often completing purchases within a week.

Why shouldn’t I just try to sell my land on my own?

Selling land on your own can be challenging and time consuming. Unlike houses, land is harder to value, market, and sell due to a smaller pool of buyers. We specialize in land transactions, have access to niche buyer networks, and use proven marketing techniques to streamline the process. Instead of waiting months or years to sell, we can offer you a quick, hassle free sale with cash in hand.

Are there any fees or commissions to work with you?

There are NO fees or commissions. We pay the closing costs and work with you to get you your money ASAP.

Do I have to pay for a Title Search?

No, you don’t have to pay for a title search. We handle all title research at our own expense. With our experience in resolving complex title issues, we work diligently to find solutions and ensure a smooth transaction for you.

What if there are back taxes due on my property?

No problem! We will pay them off and negotiate that into the offer price. What’s important to you is to know that there will be none of your own cash going into the transaction.

I lost the deed is that ok?

Yes! We will help you get a new deed. We can obtain the most required documentation from the county ourselves.

Curious to know what we can pay for your property?

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